
OEM Material Store
  • Storage warehouse for replacement parts from our dedicated OEM supplier. They are mainly origin from US and China.
Incoming Core Materials Storage Area
  • Used transmission storing.
  • Identifying and categorizing transmission.
Transmission Cleaning and Blasting Area
  • Transmission sent for cleaning and blasting.
  • Auto sand blasting machine.
Transmission Dismantle Area
  • After cleaning and blasting, transmission are dismantled, and parts send for cleaning.
  • After dismantle parts are sent to cleaning via conveyor.
Parts Cleaning Area
  • Cleaning area for parts which are dismantled from transmission.
  • After cleaning, parts are sent to assembly via conveyor line.
Assembly Area
  • Assembly line where the transmission are assembled.
  • Cleaning and assembling pulley into the transmission part.
  • Finishing assembling transmission.
Transmission Testing Area
  • The process of transmission testing.
Repairing Area
  • If problem found during testing, the technician will repair the transmission.
Torque Converter Division
  • Assembling and replacing parts of torque converter.
  • After assembling, torque converter is welded back.
  • Torque Converter leak test.
Valve Body R&D
  • Cleaning and dismantle of valve body.
  • Ultra sonic cleaning of valve body and parts.
Solenoid Testing
  • Solenoid assembly.
  • Solenoid testing machine.
Manufacturing of Valve Piston
  • CNC Processing
  • CMM Measuring of Valve Piston
Gearbox and Valve Body Car Testing
  • Installation of gearbox & valve body into the car for testing.
Packing and Finished Goods Warehouse
  • Transmission and parts are being pack then stored to finished goods warehouse.
  • Example of packaging of parts (Valve Body, Torque Converter & Pulley).
  • Finished goods are ready for shipment.